Reseñas, entrevistas y otras publicaciones
Reseña de Planos de Estratificación por Priscila Mayen, para Musexplat
“Escuchar profundamente y adentrarse en cada track es como adentrarse a un mundo material distinto que nos invita a conocer un contexto que, de no ser por la experimentación del ejecutante no podríamos percatar, como diría Gérard Grisey, todo ocurre como si el efecto zoom que nos acerca a la estructura interna de los sonidos sólo pudiera funcionar en razón de un efecto inverso que concierne al tiempo. “
Reseña de Planos de Estratificación por Fringes of Sound
“Upon first listen, I admired the synthetic textures and the haunting ambiance that Díaz managed to created on this album, especially in regard to the level of depth these tones had and the intricate layering of them. Then I went back for another listen and discovered that these textures are not synthetic at all.”

Review de EL TEMPLO por Eyal Hareuveni para Salt Peanuts
Parker’s soul brother Matthew Shipp, who wrote the liner notes, mentions that Parker thinks that this trio has a right vibe, a great compliment in the lexicon of Parker. And indeed, this trio serves the music, and as Shipp writes, there is a «balance, an equilibrium to this trio that comes from honesty of intent and from all three members being truly in the moment … the trio have an intrinsic sense of trio as a whole and that allows them to find their own space». This is a trio that works as a powerful organism and clearly empties its individuals from ego-based clashes.
Entrevista para Rosario 12 (suplemento de Página 12 en Rosario) por Leandro Arteaga. / Paula Shocron y Pablo Díaz
“Acercarse a Algo en un espacio vacío es ingresar en un lugar maleable, donde todo está a punto de ser. El ánimo viaja entre sonidos e imágenes que intentan figurarlos, mientras se escapan como arena entre dedos.”
Reseña del audio-libro Algo en un Espacio Vacío, en la revista digital Musexplat. Por Ana Mora.
“Algo en un Espacio Vacío se traduce en el aquí y en el ahora. Las interrogantes y reflexiones con las que abre este texto, se transforman en sonidos de una manera única cada vez que escuchamos esta producción y que se potencializa con el aspecto visual.”
Entrevista por Oscar Abad para Malaria Sonora de Mexico / Edición de Algo en un Espacio Vacío
“La pianista Paula Shocron y el baterista Pablo Díaz, artistas clave en el circuito de improvisación libre en Buenos Aires, nos invitan a atravesar esa puerta y ponen frente a nuestros sentidos un provocador trabajo en el que, a través del indómito torrente de la improvisación libre, conviven el sonido, lo corpóreo, lo escénico y lo visual.”
Reseña de Algo en un Espacio Vacío en The Free Jazz Blog, por Paul Acquaro
“In the liner notes, bassist William Parker writes “the sounds are like an ocean in a painting … internal rhythms and burst open to field of blue or green.” Accept the hacked quote and poetic grammar and let the sound of the language convey the motion that is captured in many forms on Algo en un Espacio Vacio.”
“Imperdible entrevista con el destacado músico argentino Pablo Díaz. Una charla profunda, reveladora y de lectura imprescindible”
Por Sergio Piccirilli para la revista digital El Intruso
Pablo Díaz: música para “un espacio vacío” / Entrevista por Fernando Ríos para Argentjazz
Reseña de El Contorno del Espacio, del SLD Trío, en Jazzword. Por Ken Waxman.
“Little known in the wider world of exploratory music unless the musicians relocate to Europe or North America, a vibrant, but pocket-sized community of improvisers exists in South America. Following divergent musical currents with dissimilar personnel are combos from the continent’s largest cities showcased here. Buenos Aires’ SLD Trio, consisting of pianist Paula Shocron, bassist German Lamonega and drummer Pablo Diaz provides its version of the FreeJazz piano trio.”
Reseña de El Contorno del Espacio, del SLD Trío, en The Free Jazz Blog. Por Paul Acquaro.
“El Contorno Del Espacio is a wonderful recording that reveals more on every listen. The musical ideas pass by with vivaciousness and speed, the drumming is sympathetic and explorative, and the bass fits neatly between, connecting with Diaz’s ideas and helping to shape Shocron’s classically informed lines.”
ENTREVISTA en The Free Jazz Blog
“The Free Jazz Blog has given the musical adventures of drummer Pablo Diaz and pianist Paula Shocron some attention over the past few years, first with a review of the SLD Trio’s first album Anfitrion, then on their follow up, Tensegridad, and again on a few recordings on their NendoDango label.”
"Many jazz percussionists have dedicated their life to the rhythms of the body and the world. One of them is the Argentinian drummer Pablo Diaz, who has been on a journey into rhythms for a long time."
“In the liner notes, bassist William Parker writes “the sounds are like an ocean in a painting … internal rhythms and burst open to field of blue or green.” Accept the hacked quote and poetic grammar and let the sound of the language convey the motion that is captured in many forms on Algo en un Espacio Vacio.”
by Paul Acquaro for The Free Jazz Blog
“Atravessado esse percurso ao qual os dois artistas nos convidam, fica a sensação de que fomos inundados por um campo de frescas ideias expressivas, que mostram o quanto a improvisação nas mãos certas pode ser uma via de criação realmente genuína e de potência poética sem limites.”
por Fabricio Vieira para Free Form Free Jazz
“Tracks for this EP-length offering were recorded at a park in Buenos Aires during February of 2020, right before the pandemic lockdown began. Percussionist Pablo Díaz made use of a floor tom and various other objects.” “He also wrote accompanying poetry that appears in the liner notes.”
por Mike Borella para Avant Music News
“Unboundedness allows you to enter for half an hour in a sparkling and eccentric para-musical theater, where the absence of stringent rules never becomes the justification for losing control over the whole picture. The young Crozzoli, Díaz and Shocron could already confront the U.S. giants, but they also prove once more that South America is already a very fertile ground for those who really want to play outside the box.”
por Michele Palozzo para Esoteros
“Last September, pianist Paula Shocron, bassist William Parker, and drummer Pablo Diaz performed a set at Brooklyn’s IBeam. Parker also contributed pocket trumpet and pocket tuba. Live at IBeam memorializes the show, and consists of one 50-minute track, aptly titled Free Improvisation.”
por Mike Borella para Avant Music News
“El Contorno Del Espacio is a wonderful recording that reveals more on every listen. The musical ideas pass by with vivaciousness and speed, the drumming is sympathetic and explorative, and the bass fits neatly between, connecting with Diaz’s ideas and helping to shape Shocron’s classically informed lines.”
por Paul Acquaro para The Free Jazz Blog
“Together they inscribe a series of miniatures where atmosphere and timbral coloration are predominant…”
por John Sharpe para All About Jazz
por Fabricio Vieira para FreeForm, FreeJazz
“Geograficciones is full of dramatic risings, furious blow outs, passionate and sparkling solos and special effects. Five great jazz masters create astonishing and moving sound, which has hot and blowing playing manner, active mood and roaring bursts of energy.”
por Avant Scena
“The music of this album is full of inventive musical decisions, passionate and expressive improvising and has a remarkable and original sound.”
por Avant Scena
“El SLD Trío, en Tensegridad, profundiza los postulados de libre improvisación y jazz de vanguardia que nutren su propuesta germinal y manifiesta -de manera incontrastable– la consolidación de un sonido colectivo de cuño propio.”
por Sergio Piccirilli para El Intruso
“While some types of avant-garde music seek to re-invent the language of music to the point of total estrangement, the strength of the SLD Trio lies in its ability to make sounds, rhythms and melodies that are experimental and inventive and yet almost feel like old folksongs. A new inscription written on an old stone.”
por Jakob Baekgaard para All About Jazz
Review of Cooperative Sound #2
por Marc Edwards para Jazz Right Now
“Os argentinos Paula Shocron (piano) e Pablo Díaz (bateria) passaram uma temporada em Nova York no ano passado e se reuniram a alguns dos grandes nomes do free local para sessões de inventiva improvisação coletiva.”
por Fabricio Vieira para FreeForm FreeJazz Blog
“The debut of the SLD Trio of pianist Paula Shocron, bassist Germán Lamonega and drummer Pablo Díaz makes its home in dissonance, but the beating heart of Anfitrion reveals that what the trio truly delights in is motion.”
por Dave Sumner para Bird is the Worm
“Vendo os músicos envolvidos, difícil imaginar que não sairia coisa boa, sendo que aqui estão reunidos alguns dos mais empolgantes músicos da cena argentina contemporânea.”
por Fabricio Vieira para FreeForm FreeJazz Blog
“Emotional communication is the keyword when it comes to this release, but it is not just the sound of two persons, but rather the beating heart of nature…”
por Jakob Baekgaard para All About Jazz
“The SLD Trio features Paul Shocron on piano, German Lamonega on contras and Pablo Diaz on drums. This trio hails from Argentina and were recently in town playing some gigs with local favorites like Daniel Carter, Ras Moshe, Matt Lavelle & Steve Dalachinsky…”
por Bruce Lee Gallanter para Downtown Music Gallery
“El primer disco como líder de Pablo Díaz reafirma todo lo bueno que el baterista venía haciendo en los grupos de Enrique Norris y Juan Pablo Arredondo. Un disco pleno de climas y matices, con grandes individualidades y un trabajo grupal que demuestra el mejor nivel del jazz joven en el país…”
por Fernando Ríos para ArgentJazz